How could you market beauty products to butterflies?
First you would need to convince them that they weren't beautiful just the
way they are. You would need a clever marketing campaign to load them up
with feelings of inferiority and inadequacy. Then you would reprogram their
brain with your concept of beauty which is only attainable if they use your
You might want to start out by changing the color of their antennas. Why
should they have to suffer with orange pollen on their antennas when they
could apply make-up and change their antennas a better color? And look at
those eyes; some type of eye liner to make their eyes stand out would
certainly enhance their appearance. Tell them that this year the stripped
body is out, and a formal black thorax is in; they obviously need a fancy
vest. Of course, you wouldn't want to always have the same color wings. A
major wing makeover is long overdue.
If this all sounds a little foolish, you are exactly right. God made
butterflies beautiful just the way they are.
God also made you beautiful just the way you are. You are created in the
image of God, and you bear his likeness. From the top of your head to the
tip of your toes, you are a thing of beauty.